Introduction Ice Pirates parody? Irony? nathan’s german story announcements Gen Con Valerian is a good movie says Jake. WiTC List talking & stats AOTS memories – Black Friday WiTC List talking & stats Andy tries to steer the show to not be only warmachine lists and fails horribly zappity! Grumble! Recommendations Hosts: Nathan H, Andy […]
MoM’s Podcast #317 — A Warmachine and Hordes Podcast Timestamps: 0:01:30 = Trolls CID NOTE: Podcast had technical difficulties and we lost about half of it. But we are posting it anyway as we didn’t have time to record another.
This week on the GCPD: 1: Facebook Bracket Breakdown! 2: Organizing the Free Agent Files As always we hope you enjoy! To help support the cast go to and use the promo code GCPDMUSE when you buy tokens or Models for any game you might play! It also gives you 10% off just for using […]