Featured Podcast

Fully Boosted – Episode 53

Fully Boosted: A Warmachine and Hordes Podcast.  Episode 53 – This week, we discuss the August 2017 Dynamic Update (Haley2 Nerf/Kraye and Trenchers), the Circle/Skorne/Pirates themes released in Insiders, and the 12 Factions of Xmas CID Cycle.  We also get joined by a phantom cricket for about 45 minutes, and now that you know it’s […]

*Warmachine & Hordes (Articles) Articles Chasing the Dragonfather Featured Podcast

Chasing the Dragonfather ep 8: Edge of SR2017

Klaas, Ryan, and Anthony discuss Anthony’s Irish Gauntlet victory and the changes wrought by the new scenario packet. Also, Anthony issues a challenge to Jocke Rapp for the Irish Crown. As always, discussion on our Facebook page, or via @AnthonyGOReilly, @OrborosRyan or @KlawSpeaks. Use of the hashtag #ChasingTheDragonfather is appreciated.