This week on the GCPD: 1: Renegade recap 2:3rd Edition demo talk! As always we hope you enjoy! To help support the cast go to and use the promo code GCPDMUSE when you buy tokens or Models for any game you might play! It also gives you 10% off just for using the code!
Intro WiTC – Drunk Andy potential Shenanigans Warmachine Weekend 2018 Painting Lounge WoW Changing RET CID LotR – Hobbit RoboCop DND stuff DC Movies/Shows Star Trek Zappity Grumble Recommendations Hosts: Andy W, Nathan H, Dan W Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! Follow @CrippledSystem
Introductions Mels Diner (Alice’s Restaurant) Doon! Mecrosoft Grymkin CID Comp in wargames Playtest board games ZG Recommendations Bonus Fallout76 Talk ATC WiTC Cost for Stream Hosts: Andy W, Nathan H, Dan W, David B Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! Follow @CrippledSystem