This week on the GCPD: 1: CW:Batwoman / HBO:Watchmen talk 2: Crisis Protocol 3: Knight Models company discussion 4: Movies of some kind… Joker maybe… IDK As always we hope you enjoy! To help support the cast go to and use the promo code GCPDMUSE when you buy tokens or Models for any game you might play! […]
Month: October 2019
Crippled System Episode 292: Murder Buckets
Jeremy Katie and Brian stop by for some nonsense! Scooby Doo, Intros Announcements Game of Thrones, Endings Futureman, Battlestar Galactica More Tv show talk Tower? Zappity Grumble Recommendations Hosts: Andy W, Nathan H Guests: Katie S, Jeremy S and Brian G Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! Follow @CrippledSystem
The G.C.P.D Episode 49
This week on the GCPD: 1: GCPD Facebook bracket challenge talk 2: 3rd Edition hopes and dreams! As always we hope you enjoy! To help support the cast go to and use the promo code GCPDMUSE when you buy tokens or Models for any game you might play! It also gives you 10% off just for using […]
Crippled System Episode 291: Nathan abandons vehicles?
Intros Cars Stuff Announcements ookla the Mok Dark Crystal The Gate Zappity Grumble Recommendations Hosts: Andy W, Nathan H, Dave B Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! Follow @CrippledSystem
The G.C.P.D Episode 48
This week on the GCPD: 1: Scenario breakdown: Skirmish 2: Tournament Report As always we hope you enjoy! To help support the cast go to and use the promo code GCPDMUSE when you buy tokens or Models for any game you might play! It also gives you 10% off just for using the code! […]