Pat and TT go over Hawkeye and Black Widow, Agent of Shield! Be sure to check us out on to get episodes a week early and more!
Across The Bifrost
Episode 10, Thor and Valkyrie!
Pat and TT talk about everything in the recently spoiled Thor and Valkyrie box for Marvel Crisis Protocol! Hope you enjoy, and thank you all for listening and supporting the pod!
Across the Bifrost ep9, Tactics Cards!
Pat and TT dive into some of their favorite under played tactics cards. They then give some tips about Tactics Cards selection. Be sure to checkout the\acrossthebifrost for all the latest news and patreon exclusives!
Across the Bifrost ep3
In episode 3, we’re joined by Greg Webster to talk about some lesser known MCP characters, and give some recommendations on comics to read to learn more about them.