It’s our annual beer exchange episode at the Southern Ontario Open. Enjoy!
State of the Game – 2019
Once again, the Southern Ontario Open was the host of the address. Moderator – Tim Banky Technical Producer – Rich Brautman Enjoy!
Beermachine – Episode #63
Hey folks, this episode we’re joined by the person you know as “Some Guy from our Local Meta” aka Wolfe aka Ryan, who also has a podcast on Muse called Blight Bringers. We deviate from beer and taste some fine whiskeys! After you check out Ryan’s podcast, please check out BeerForge, a YouTube live stream […]
Beermachine – Episode #62
A regular episode? YES! Rich and Dan talk about Warmachine, beer, and Buffalo’s annual Foodmachine event.
Beermachine – BeeRPG Chickens in the Mist!
Part of the all-day benefit show, thanks to MenothJohn for grabbing the audio and having us on. One of the funnier RPG sessions I’ve been part of…be ready for an overuse of alternative words for “chicken.” Cheers, Rich
Beermachine – Episode #61
Greetings! We’re joined by Dan’s friend Brett, who indulges with us on a fun episode and a great counterpoint to the cheap beer we had previously. You can read up on the greatness we taste in this episode right here. There’s some role playing on the horizon… Cheers, Rich
Beermachine – BeeRPG Unleashed S02E00
FINALLY! We’re back to role playing, and this is the jump in point. This episode deals with character creation for two of the four characters. Enjoy! Cheers, Rich
Beermachine – Episode #60
For quite a while now, we teased and toyed with the idea that we’d do a bad beer episode. Today is that day. Featured is the beer pledged to the Kickstarter by none other than Jay Larsen himself. And the rest are no winners either. Joined by reluctant repeat guest Matt Clark, we go to […]
Beermachine – Episode #59, Live from the SOO!
What you’re about to list to is the first ever beer exchange held at the Southern Ontario Open. We’re already planning for this to be a yearly event! You’ll hear people from several different podcasts, and while the audio is much better than when we’ve recorded in the past with a room full of people, […]
The 2018 State of the Game Address
Recorded at the Southern Ontario Open on Saturday, April 7th, 2018. FYI it’s an explicit recording, and I didn’t edit anything. Featuring members of: Beermachine This Death Clock Has 60 Minutes Battle Driven Arcane Assist Hard 7 Combo Smite Trollblood Scrum Enjoy, and see you next year! Cheers, Rich