Hey folks, the site was moved to its new hosting, i will be restoring the feeds and adding new feeds for various podcasts that Muse has. The unfortunate part of the new site would be that the network is no longer being supported, maybe this will change in the future. Thank you to the folks […]
On this episode we start a beef with the boys down under, light chat on the banning prosses, and go over a little tournament in KC.
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Dark Guidance 84: Thexus Throws the Best Powder Keggers
This week on Dark Guidance, the crew is back with special guest Robin, captain of the winning OTC team, to talk to you about all the fun and new legacy armies that have been released since our last episode. And boy have there been many. Expect many hot takes and much gushing about Exulon Thexus. […]
The Meta: Episode 47
This episode we interview Travis Marg and discuss Infernals, the newest Warmachine faction. This episode focuses on questions from our Patreon backers.
Battle Driven Episode 4
Jeff and Riker bring on Seth, the winner of the monthly discord drawing. Facebook.com/BattleDrivenPatreon.com/BattleDriven
Battle Driven Episode 3
This is the Soldiers of Fortune theme force spoiler episode. Patreon.com/BattleDriven Facebook.com/BattleDriven
Battle Driven Episode 2
Jeff and Riker discuss the SR 2019 scenario packet. Facebook.com/BattleDriven to interact with the cast Patreon.com/BattleDriven to support the cast and get more episodes
Minority Report Episode 12: Lock and Load
This week we discuss keynote and the Lock and Load announcements